The library offers patrons printing and copy services. For this purpose, patrons will use My Inepro, a system for management, payment, and printing of documents. The Inepro manual can be accessed thru the following link: https://biblioteca.uagm.edu/es/guiainepro
You may also download the Android or Apple version of the My Inepro app on your device. The following fees apply for printing or copying: black and white copies cost between $0.10 and $0.20 per page; copies in color range between $0.25 and $0.50 per page.
Refill guide for students
Refill guide for faculty, associates and visiting patrons
The library adheres to the Ana G. Méndez Policy on Copyright along with the federal and national copyright laws.
Register for the Print and Go service
Use the following link: https://print.andgo.at/uagm or install the Print and Go app on your Android or IOS device.
Refill Service