Primal Pictures

Primal Pictures and the platform – along with its mobile apps – is the world’s most detailed, accurate and evidence-based 3D reconstruction of human anatomy. Primal’s experts produced our digital model using real scan and imaging data. Advanced academic research and hundreds of thousands of development hours underpin its creation, which is exhaustively peer reviewed so you can teach and learn with confidence

MedOne VetMed (Thieme)

MedOne Vetmed is a multimedia platform for clinical and student training of all levels in Animal Health and Veterinary Medicine. It has more than 90 ebooks, and thousands of images, and different tools ideal for the teaching and learning process in the area.

ClinicalKey Radiología

ClinicalKey is a source of continuously updated radiology content. It includes academic journals, eBooks, multimedia material and educational material for patients. It also has daily online access to publications such as Rumack's Diagnostic Ultrasound, Radiologic Clinics and Haaga's CT and MRI of the Whole Body.

Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source

Dentistry & Oral Science Source covers all facets relating to the areas of dentistry including dental public health, endodontics, facial pain & surgery, odontology, oral & maxillofacial pathology/surgery/radiology, orthodontology, pediatric dentistry, periodontology, and prosthodontics. The database is updated weekly on EBSCOhost.