Learn about the resources and services available in the library for the School of Veterinary Medicine.
The Student American Veterinary Medical Association (SAVMA) is the national organization for veterinary students, in order to foster communication between individual chapters.
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is the nation's leading advocate for the veterinary profession.
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT) Global is the world's most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, offering millions of works from thousands of universities. Each year hundreds of thousands of works are added. Full-text coverage spans from 1743 to the present, with citation coverage dating back to 1637.
This database contains over 7,000 newspapers and magazines from over 120 countries, in more 60 languages.
It is a collection of magazines in chemistry and related sciences, reviewed by experts, with original research articles. It covers agriculture, biochemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology, environmental science, materials science, and plant science, among other subjects.
MedicLatina is a unique collection of medical research and investigatory journals from renowned Latin American and Spanish publishers. This Spanish language database contains full text for 130 peer-reviewed medical journals in native Spanish.
Veterinary Source is a full text collection of scholarly journals and magazines devoted to all aspects of animal healthcare. International in scope, it is an essential resource for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, assistants, and students. Providing access to research on the prevention, control, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injury in animals, it also covers topics related to animal nutrition, reproduction, and breeding.