Canadian Newsstream

This database offers unparalleled access to the full text of over 400 Canadian news sources from Canada's leading publishers. This full text database includes the complete available electronic backfile for most newspapers, providing full access to the articles, columns, editorials, and features published in each. Most titles are updated daily and some backfiles date as far back as the late 1970s.

Films on Demand

Multidisciplinary video collection with high quality academic content. It offers videos on many topics: biology, business, communications, criminal justice, environmental science, education, health and medicine, psychology, technology, and others.

Fuente Académica  

Fuente Académica Plus is a dedicated resource of more than 1,600 scholarly journals and quality magazines from Latin America, Portugal, and Spain. All major subject areas are covered with particular emphasis on agriculture, biological sciences, economics, history, law, literature, philosophy, psychology, public administration, religion, and sociology. It is an indispensable tool of exceptional scope designed to make academic research readily accessible in PDF format.


Gale U.S. Newsstream

U.S. Newsstream enables users to search the most recent premium U.S. news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full-text format. For academic and public libraries, U.S. Newsstream offers exclusive access to the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and co-exclusive access (with Factiva) to The Wall Street Journal. U.S. Newsstream also offers one of the largest collections of local and regional newspapers and is cross-searchable on the ProQuest platform.

Military Database

The Military Database covers topics across all government and military branches, including international relations, political science, criminology, defense, aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering, and more. An important benefit of the Military Database is its content diversity. Included are scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more.

Communication source

This database is the most comprehensive resource on the market for communication research. Communication Source was developed from a merger of high-quality EBSCO databases, Communication and Mass Media Complete and Communication Abstracts (formerly published by Sage), and it includes many unique sources not previously available in other databases.