General Science Full Text

Provides full text from more than 100 periodicals dating as far back as 1995, in addition to indexing and abstracts for nearly 300 periodicals dating back to 1984. Subject coverage includes astronomy, biology, botany, chemistry, conservation, health & medicine, oceanography, physics, zoology and much more.

Biological Science

This interdisciplinary database offers abstracts and citations to a wide range of research in biomedicine, biotechnology, zoology and ecology and some aspects of agriculture and veterinary science. Supporting over two dozen areas of expertise, this database provides access to literature from over 6000 serials, as well as conference proceedings, technical reports, monographs and selected books and patents.

Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate

Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate provides STEM students and researchers with the resources they need to succeed. Providing coverage of a wide range of topics including artificial intelligence, applied mathematics, plastics, hydroponics, computer science, chemical engineering, energy resources and robotics, as well as the business and social implications of new technologies, this comprehensive database is essential for STEM programs.

Military Database

The Military Database covers topics across all government and military branches, including international relations, political science, criminology, defense, aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering, and more. An important benefit of the Military Database is its content diversity. Included are scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more.

Biological & Agricultural Index Plus

Provides full text of articles from over 100 journals dating back to 1997, as well as indexing and abstracts of more than 380 publications. Subject coverage includes agriculture & agricultural research, atmospheric science, biochemistry, biology, biotechnology, botany, chemistry, environmental science, geology, marine biology microbiology, physics and much more.

Science Direct

ScienceDirect is the leading academic platform for researchers, students, health professionals, and information professionals. It contains over 3,800 academic journals with scientific, technical, and health content, in full-text, and over 35,000 books.